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Valley of Tena


The Valley of Tena occupies the high river basin from the Gállego river to the Earth north of Biescas. In the South slope of the Pyrenean Spanish power station extends by about 480 Km2. The territory is organized in five the most important municipal terms being Sallent, Panticosa and Biescas. To the south we found the most important and inhabited city of the zone, Sabiñánigo (8,000 inhabitants). To 17 km of this one is the unquestionable capital of the oscenses Pyrenees, Jaca.
Topographically it is delimited to the west by the tips of Anayet and Punta Escarra; to the east by Batanes and Baldairán. To the north we were with the pirenaica chain that it is gaining altitude in the most Eastern tresmiles of the Pyrenean one: Frondiellas, Balaitus, Argualas, Garmo, Infier to us and Great Look. To the south the mountain ranges of Partacua-Telera and Tendeñera close the valley. The passage of Santa Elena takes us plain to the Earth of Biescas.

The demographic stability is sustained mainly in the tourist activity. The primary sector, based on the cattle ranch is in backward movement. The secondary sector is based on the production of hydroelectric energy and the construction. The tertiary sector is in expansion, specially the tourism, based mainly on the natural, cultural patrimony and in the ski. The area counts on an important historical-artistic and etnológico patrimony, emphasizing the popular architecture and the románicas churches.

(Towns of the Valley)

(Nature of the Valley)

(Cultural patrimony)

PLANES OF the LOCALITIES Of the TENA VALLEY (Kitchen maid on them)

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